84.740. Board of police--annual budget--expenditures (Kansas City).
Board of police--annual budget--expenditures (Kansas City).
84.740. Out of the amount of money appropriated by thegoverning body of such cities to meet the expense of the policedepartment for the ensuing fiscal year, the police board shall,on or before May first of each year, adopt a budget for thepolice department for the ensuing fiscal year. Said budget shallitemize purposes of expenditure by organization units,activities, functions, and character classes in not less detailthan "personal services", "contractual services", "commodities",and "capital outlays". Such budget, when adopted and certifiedby the board, shall be the authorization of expenditures for thepurposes set forth therein. No transfer from one characterclassification of expenditure in the board budget to anothercharacter classification shall be made without the approval ofsaid board. A copy of said budget and notice of subsequenttransfers shall be deposited with the chief of police and thesecretary of the police board and copies thereof shall beprepared and available to the public upon request.
(L. 1943 p. 727 § 7675)