84.720. Police commissioners, power to regulate security personnel--fingerprint, criminal history record check--penalty (Kansas City).
Police commissioners, power to regulate securitypersonnel--fingerprint, criminal history record check--penalty(Kansas City).
84.720. The police commissioners of any city with apopulation of three hundred fifty thousand or more inhabitantswhich is located in more than one county shall have power toregulate and license all private security personnel andorganizations, serving or acting as such in such cities, and noperson or organization shall act in the capacity of, or provide,security services in such cities without first having obtainedthe written license of the president or acting president of thepolice commissioners of such cities. In order to determine anindividual's suitability to be licensed, the police commissionersof such cities shall require each applicant to be licensed to befingerprinted and shall forward the fingerprints to the Missouristate highway patrol for a criminal history record check. Anyperson or organization that violates the provisions of thissection is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
(RSMo 1939 § 7675, A.L. 1943 p. 727 § 7674, A.L. 1993 H.B. 209 & 288)