84.610. Police personnel--right to public hearing (Kansas City).
Police personnel--right to public hearing (Kansas City).
84.610. Any police officer, policeman or employee adverselyaffected by any action taken by the chief which he is required toreport to the board under the provisions of subdivision (1) ofsection 84.500 shall have the right to have such action of thechief of police reviewed by the police board upon filing with thesecretary of the board within ten days after the effective dateof such action a written request for review by said police board.Whereupon the police board shall grant a public hearing withinfifteen days after the filing of such request. The board shallhave the power to inquire into all the facts and circumstancespertaining to such action and may compel the attendance ofwitnesses by subpoena at the request of either the policeofficer, policeman or employee involved, the chief of police orany member of the board. The board shall have the power uponsuch hearing to affirm, modify or reverse such action of thechief and may make such other orders as the board may deemnecessary. The board shall report all decisions in writing tothe chief of police and to the officer or employee involved.Each decision of the police board in such cases shall be finaland not subject to review by any court.
(L. 1943 p. 727 § 7664)