84.460. Board of police--exclusive management and control of police force (Kansas City).
Board of police--exclusive management and control of policeforce (Kansas City).
84.460. So soon as the board created herein shall hold theirfirst meeting, it shall be their duty to inform the chief ofpolice and the other officers of the police force of such citythat they require their attendance upon them and obedience totheir orders. For failure to attend as required, and for eachand every failure to obey the lawful orders of said board, theofficers so notified shall be fined in any sum not exceeding fivehundred dollars, to be recovered by action at law instituted bysaid board, in the name of the state. From and after the firstmeeting aforesaid, the whole of the then existing police force insuch city shall pass under the exclusive management and controlof the said board, and be subject to no other control andentitled to receive neither orders nor pay, except arrearagesthen due, from any other authority, and shall so continue,subject, however, to removal or suspension, at the discretion ofsaid board, and with the power in said board to fill vacancies,until said board shall publicly declare that the organization ofthe police force, created by sections 84.350 to 84.860 iscomplete. Upon such public declaration, and from the timethereof thenceforward, all ordinances of such city are herebydeclared null and void, so far as they conflict with sections84.350 to 84.860 or assume to confer upon the mayor, chief ofpolice, common council, or any other person or persons, the powerto appoint, dismiss, or in any way or to any extent, employ orcontrol any police force organized or to be organized under suchordinances, or any of them, and from and after such publicdeclaration as aforesaid, the police force organized, or whichmay be organized under such ordinances, or any of them, shallcease to exist, and its functions and powers be at an end.
(RSMo 1939 § 7653, A.L. 1943 p. 727 § 7654)