84.420. Board of police--duties, responsibilities, determination of policies (Kansas City).

Board of police--duties, responsibilities, determination ofpolicies (Kansas City).

84.420. 1. The board of police commissioners shall have theduty and responsibility at all times of the day and night withinthe boundaries of these cities, and on other public property ofthese cities beyond the corporate limits thereof to*:

(1) Preserve the public peace;

(2) Prevent crime and arrest offenders;

(3) Protect the rights of persons and property;

(4) Guard the public health;

(5) Preserve order at every public election, and at allpublic meetings and places and on all public occasions;

(6) Prevent and remove nuisances on all streets, alleys,highways, waters, and other places;

(7) Provide a proper police force at fires for theprotection of firemen and property;

(8) Protect transients at public wharves, airports, railwayand bus stations;

(9) See that all laws relating to elections and to theobservance of Sunday, and relating to pawnbrokers, intemperance,lotteries and lottery policies, vagrants, disorderly persons, andthe public health are enforced;

(10) Suppress gambling and bawdyhouses, and every othermanner and kind of disorder and offense against law and thepublic health; and

(11) Enforce all laws and ordinances passed, or which mayhereafter be passed, by the common council of such cities, notinconsistent with the provisions of sections 84.350 to 84.860.

2. The board shall determine the policy and in fulfillmentof the duties and responsibilities herein provided and to thisend shall:

(1) Adopt rules and regulations not inconsistent herewithgoverning the conduct of such police department;

(2) Appoint a chief of police who shall be responsible tothe board for the proper execution of the policies, duties, andresponsibilities established for the administration of the policedepartment;

(3) Act as a board of review in personnel disciplinary casesas provided in section 84.430;

(4) Appoint a secretary to the board who shall appoint thenecessary clerical assistants to the secretary for the conduct ofaffairs relating purely to activities and affairs of the board,other than those delegated to the chief in sections 84.350 to84.860. The salary of the secretary shall be fixed by the boardat not less than two thousand five hundred dollars nor more thanthree thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars per annum.Salaries of clerical assistants shall be determined as hereinprovided in section 84.520 for other clerical employees;

(5) Have the power to provide for a business manager whoshall also act as an assistant secretary to the board at a salaryof not less than four thousand five hundred dollars nor more thansix thousand six hundred dollars per annum;

(6) Provide for and employ such medical assistants,including police surgeons and police physicians, as the board maydeem necessary to perform such duties as the board may prescribefor the care and health of policemen, officers of police, andemployees;

(7) Retain or employ attorneys or other consultants asnecessary to advise the board or the chief;

(8) Have the power to provide and contract for insurancebenefits providing for health and medical coverage;

(9) Have the power to provide and contract for liabilityinsurance coverage for officers and employees of the policedepartment, insuring liabilities incurred during the performanceof duty and in the scope of employment for the police department;

(10) Perform such other duties and exercise such otherpowers not inconsistent with the provisions of sections 84.350 to84.860 as shall further the efficient and economical operation ofthe police department.

3. The provisions of chapter 287, RSMo, governing workers'compensation may be extended to include the employees of thepolice department as herein provided. The police departmentshall have authority by resolution to elect, under the provisionsof section 287.030, RSMo, to accept the provisions of chapter287, RSMo, and to pay compensation to its employees and uniformedofficers of the department for injury or death arising out of andin the course of their employment in accordance with theprovisions and restrictions as set forth in chapter 287, RSMo.The board shall adopt rules classifying the employees who may beeligible for compensation under this section and section 226.170,RSMo, and its classification shall be decisive as to whether ornot an employee falls within the definition of an employeeeligible for compensation coverage under this section and section226.170, RSMo. In case the board shall elect to accept saidprovisions, it shall purchase insurance for such purpose. Theboard shall have authority to perform such other duties as may benecessary or incidental effectually to carry out the purposes ofthis law. No election of the board to come under the provisionsof chapter 287, RSMo, shall ever be construed as acknowledging orcreating any liability in tort or as incurring other obligationsor duties except only the duty and obligation of complying withthe provisions of said chapter 287, RSMo, so long as said boardmay elect to remain under the provisions of chapter 287, RSMo.

(RSMo 1939 § 7650, A.L. 1943 p. 727 § 7651, A.L. 1953 p. 304, A.L. 1958 2d Ex. Sess. p. 152, A.L. 1963 p. 133, A.L. 1978 S.B. 508)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 7507; 1919 § 8919; 1909 § 9771

*Word "to" does not appear in original rolls.