84.200. Duty of sheriff to aid in maintaining public peace (St. Louis).
Duty of sheriff to aid in maintaining public peace (St. Louis).
84.200. It shall be the duty of the sheriff of the county orcity in which any of the cities to which sections 84.010 to84.340 may apply shall be located, whenever called on for thatpurpose by said boards, to act under their control for thepreservation of the public peace and quiet; and, if ordered bythem to do so, he shall summon the posse comitatus for thatpurpose, and hold and employ such posse subject to theirdirection; whenever the exigency or circumstances may, in theirjudgment, warrant it, the said boards shall have the power toassume the control and command of all conservators of the peaceof the county or city in which any of the cities to whichsections 84.010 to 84.340 may apply, whether sheriff, constable,policemen or others, and they shall act under the orders of thesaid boards and not otherwise.
(RSMo 1939 § 7698)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7550; 1919 § 8960; 1909 § 9812