84.190. Board of police--equipment and clerical personnel--use of fire alarm telegraph--procedure in case of hindrance (St. Louis).
Board of police--equipment and clerical personnel--use of fire alarmtelegraph--procedure in case of hindrance (St. Louis).
84.190. 1. The boards of police commissioners are herebyauthorized to provide themselves with such office and officefurniture, and such clerks and subordinates as they shall need;and to have and use a common seal. They may divide such citiesinto not more than twelve nor less than nine police districts,and provide in each of them, if necessary, a station house orhouses, with all things and equipments required for the same, andall such other accommodations as may be required for the use ofthe police.
2. The boards, for all the purposes of sections 84.010 to84.340, shall have the use of the fire alarm telegraph of suchcities for police purposes, and all station houses, watch boxes,firearms, equipments, accoutrements and other accommodations andthings provided by such cities, for the use and service of thepolice, as fully and to the same extent as the same are now usedby or for any present police, or as fully and to the same extentas the same may be used by any police force in any of the citiesto which sections 84.010 to 84.340 may hereafter apply; and themayor and common council or municipal assembly, and all personsand municipal officers in charge thereof, are hereby ordered andrequired to allow such use accordingly. In case the mayor andcommon council or municipal assembly of any of such cities, orits officers or agents, refuse or neglect to allow such use, asand whenever the same shall be required by the boards created bysections 84.010 to 84.340, or refuse to set aside and appropriatethe revenue necessary to carry out the provisions of sections84.010 to 84.340, or place obstructions or hindrances in the wayof the proper discharge of the powers of such boards, the boardsmay apply to the circuit courts of the judicial circuit in whichsuch cities may be located, in the name of the state, for amandamus to compel a compliance with the provisions of thissection, and the application thereof shall be heard and decidedby the court. One week's notice of the application shall begiven, and the respondent or respondents shall have the right toanswer within the week; and if testimony be needed on eitherside, the same shall be taken within ten days after the same isfiled, or the week shall be expired. From the decision in thecircuit court in the premises either party may appeal within tendays; and it shall be the duty of the clerk of such courts tosend up the record immediately, and the appeal shall be heardimmediately by the supreme court, if then in session, and if notin session, at the next term. In both courts the case shall betaken up and tried in preference to all others.
(RSMo 1939 § 7697, A.L. 1961 p. 204)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7549; 1919 § 8959; 1909 § 9811