84.090. Board of police--duties, powers (St. Louis).
Board of police--duties, powers (St. Louis).
84.090. The duties of the boards of police hereby createdshall be as follows: They shall, at all times of the day andnight, within the boundaries of said cities, as well on water ason land,
(1) Preserve the public peace, prevent crime and arrestoffenders;
(2) Protect the rights of persons and property;
(3) Guard the public health;
(4) Preserve order at every public election, and at allpublic meetings and places, and on all public occasions;
(5) Prevent and remove nuisances on all streets, highways,waters and other places;
(6) Provide a proper police force at every fire for theprotection of firemen and property;
(7) Protect emigrants and travelers at steamboat landingsand railway stations;
(8) See that all laws relating to elections and to theobservance of Sunday, and regulating pawnbrokers, gamblers,intemperance, lotteries and lottery policies, vagrants,disorderly persons, and the public health are enforced;
(9) They shall also enforce all laws and all ordinancespassed or which may hereafter be passed by the common council ormunicipal assembly of said cities, not inconsistent with theprovisions of sections 84.010 to 84.340, or any other law of thestate, which may be properly enforceable by a police force;
(10) In case they shall have any reason to believe that anyperson within said cities intends to commit any breaches of thepeace, or violation of the law or order beyond the city limits,any person charged with the commission of crime in said citiesand against whom criminal process shall have issued, may bearrested upon the same in any part of this state by the policeforce created or authorized by sections 84.010 to 84.340;provided, however, that before the person so arrested shall beremoved from the county in which such arrest is made he shall betaken before some judge, to whom the papers authorizing sucharrest shall be submitted; and the person so arrested shall notbe removed from said county, but shall forthwith be discharged,unless such judge shall endorse and approve said papers;
(11) The said police commissioners, or either of them, shallhave the power to administer oaths or affirmations in thepremises, to any person appearing or called before them;
(12) They shall also have the power to summon and compel theattendance of witnesses before them, whenever it may be necessaryfor the more effectual discharge of their duties.
(RSMo 1939 § 7691, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7543; 1919 § 8953; 1909 § 9805
Effective 1-2-79