84.040. Police commissioners--qualifications--term of office--oath--compensation.
Police commissioners--qualifications--term ofoffice--oath--compensation.
84.040. The said commissioners shall be citizens of thestate of Missouri, and shall have been residents of the citiesfor a period of four years next preceding their appointment; theyshall, except as specified in sections 84.030 and 84.080, holdtheir offices for four years, and until their respectivesuccessors shall have been appointed and qualified, and receiveeach a salary of one thousand dollars per annum, payable monthly;before entering upon the duties of their said offices, the saidcommissioners and the said mayor shall take and subscribe beforea circuit or associate circuit judge of the circuit court ofjudicial circuit in which said cities shall be located, or theclerk thereof, the oath or affirmation prescribed by theConstitution of the state of Missouri, and shall also take andsubscribe before the same judge or clerk the further oath oraffidavit that in any and every appointment or removal to be madeby them to or from the police force created and to be organizedby them under sections 84.010 to 84.340, they will in no case andunder no pretext appoint or remove any policeman or officer ofpolice, or other person under them, on account of the politicalopinions of such police officer or other person, or for any othercause or reason than the fitness or unfitness of such a person,in the best judgment of such commissioners, for the place forwhich he shall be appointed, or from the place from which heshall be removed. The said oaths or affirmations shall berecorded and preserved among the records of the said circuitcourt.
(RSMo 1939 § 7689, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634, A.L. 1987 H.B. 661)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7541; 1919 § 8951; 1909 § 9803