84.030. Police commissioners, appointment--term of office--vacancies (St. Louis).
Police commissioners, appointment--term of office--vacancies(St. Louis).
84.030. Beginning on January 9, 1989, the governor of thestate of Missouri, by and with the advice and consent of thesenate, shall appoint the four commissioners provided for insection 84.020, and one commissioner shall be appointed for aterm of one year; one commissioner shall be appointed for a termof two years; one commissioner shall be appointed for a term ofthree years; one commissioner shall be appointed for a term offour years. Their successors shall each be appointed for a termof four years, and said commissioners shall hold office for theirterm of appointment and until their successors shall have beenappointed and qualified. In case of a vacancy in said board forany cause whatsoever, it shall be filled by appointment for theunexpired term, in the same manner as in the case of originalappointments. The governor shall issue commissions to thepersons so appointed, designating the time for which they areappointed in case the appointment is to fill an unexpired termoccasioned by death, resignation or any other cause, and wheneverthe term of office of any commissioner expires, the appointmentof his successor shall be for four years. The commissioners nowholding offices under existing laws in any city of this state towhich sections 84.010 to 84.340 apply are to hold their officesuntil the expiration of their terms, and their successors areduly appointed and qualified.
(RSMo 1939 § 7690, A.L. 1987 H.B. 661)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7542; 1919 § 8952; 1909 § 9804