84.020. Board of police commissioners--members--officers (St. Louis).
Board of police commissioners--members--officers (St. Louis).
84.020. In all cities of this state that now have, or mayhereafter attain, a population of five hundred thousandinhabitants or over, there shall be, and is hereby established,within and for said cities, a board of police, to consist of fourcommissioners, as provided in sections 84.040 to 84.080, togetherwith the mayor of said cities for the time being, or whosoevermay be officially acting in that capacity, and said board shallappoint one of its members as president, and one member who shallact as vice president during the absence of the president; andsuch president or vice president shall be the executive officerof the board and shall act for it when the board is not insession.
(RSMo 1939 § 7689)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7541; 1919 § 8951; 1909 § 9803