84.010. City ordinances not to conflict with powers of board of police commissioners--emergency (St. Louis).
City ordinances not to conflict with powers of board of policecommissioners--emergency (St. Louis).
84.010. In all cities of this state that now have, or mayhereafter attain, a population of seven hundred thousandinhabitants or over, the common council or municipal assembly, asthe case may be, of such cities may pass ordinances forpreserving order, securing property and persons from violence,danger or destruction, protecting public and private property,and for promoting the interests and insuring the good governmentof the cities; but no ordinances heretofore passed, or that mayhereafter be passed, by the common council or municipal assemblyof the cities, shall, in any manner, conflict or interfere withthe powers or the exercise of the powers of the boards of policecommissioners of the cities as created by section 84.020, norshall the cities or any officer or agent of the corporation ofthe cities, or the mayor thereof, in any manner impede, obstruct,hinder or interfere with the boards of police or any officer, oragent or servant thereof or thereunder, except that in any caseof emergency imminently imperiling the lives, health or safety ofthe inhabitants of the city, the mayor may call upon and directthe chief of police of the city to provide such number ofofficers and patrolmen to meet the emergency as the mayordetermines to be necessary and the chief of police shall continueto act under the direction of the mayor until the emergency hasceased, or until the board of police commissioners takes chargeof such matter.
(RSMo 1939 § 7688, A.L. 1958 2d Ex. Sess. p. 152)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7540; 1919 § 8950; 1909 § 9802