82.570. Costs and expenses of assessments, how paid.
Costs and expenses of assessments, how paid.
82.570. In all cities in this state not in any county, allthe costs and expenses of the assessor of such city or cities, inmaking the assessments and in the preparation of abstracts ofassessment lists and tax bills provided by law, shall be allowedand paid by such city or cities in the same manner as otherdemands against such city or cities are allowed and paid; andwhen the aggregate of such costs and expenses for each year shallhave been ascertained, the comptroller of such city or citiesshall certify same to the director of revenue. Aftercertification by the commissioner of administration, the directorof revenue shall certify the claims for payment, and warrant uponthe state treasurer shall be issued to the treasurer of such cityor cities submitting such certificate for one-half of said sum;provided further, that in all cities in this state not in anycounty the assessor shall perform the duties now performed bycounty clerks in extending taxes on the assessment books and suchother services pertaining thereto.
(RSMo 1939 § 10997, A.L. 1945 p. 1782 § 9)Prior revision: 1929 § 9807