81.210. Changes of wards by ordinance (cities of 20,000 and less than 250,000).
Changes of wards by ordinance (cities of 20,000 and less than250,000).
81.210. Whenever the corporate limits of any city now comingor which may hereafter come under the operation of section 81.200of this chapter shall hereafter be altered or extended, andwhenever the population of any such city, or of any ward or wardsthereof, has been or may be so increased or diminished as torender, in the opinion of the common council, a division orredistricting of the corporation into wards, or a change in theboundary of any ward or wards necessary, the same may be done byordinance at some regular meeting of the common council.
(RSMo 1939 § 7515)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7362; 1919 § 8776; 1909 § 9632