81.130. Farming lands, exclusion--procedure (cities of 20,000 or less).
Farming lands, exclusion--procedure (cities of 20,000 or less).
81.130. In all cases where farming lands, or lands not laidout in town or city lots, or used for town or city purposes, areincluded within the corporate limits of any town, city ormunicipality of this state now containing, or which may hereaftercontain, twenty thousand inhabitants or less, existing oroperating under a special charter, and where ten of the taxableinhabitants of said town, city or municipality shall petition thecouncil of said town, city or municipality to becomedisincorporated or detached from the said municipal corporation,it shall be the duty of said council, by ordinance, to submit thequestion to the voters of the city, town or municipality; and ifat said election a majority of the voters voting at saidelection, vote in favor of disincorporating or detaching saidlands, then the council of said town, city or municipality shalldeclare the said land disincorporated or detached from the saidmunicipality, and the same shall not thereafter be included in orbe a part thereof; provided, however, that in all cases where thesaid town, city or municipality has any outstanding debts,liabilities or obligations, said lands shall not bedisincorporated or detached until the owner or owners thereofshall have paid into the town, city or municipal treasury theirjust and proper proportion of such debts, liabilities orobligations.
(RSMo 1939 § 7441, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7288; 1919 § 8703; 1909 § 9581