81.080. Extension of limits, how--inclusion of another city, procedure (cities of 20,000 or less).
Extension of limits, how--inclusion of another city, procedure(cities of 20,000 or less).
81.080. 1. Any city or town of less than twenty thousandinhabitants and having a special charter, after the taking effectof such charter, may at any time extend its limits by ordinance,specifying with accuracy the new line to which it is proposed toextend such limits. All courts of this state shall take judicialnotice of the limits of such city when thus extended.
2. Provided, that should such city by such extension of itsterritorial limits include any portion of any incorporated city,town or village, such extension shall be made to include thewhole territory of such incorporated city, town or village, andupon such extension being made, the corporate existence of suchincorporated city, town or village so included in such extensionshall, ipso facto, cease, and all property and rights of everykind and nature belonging to and vested in such incorporatedcity, town or village shall, by operation of law, at once pass toand vest in the city making such extension of its limits, and itshall be the duty of all officers and employees of suchincorporated city, town or village having custody or controlthereof to surrender and deliver the same to such city soextending its limits; and such city shall also, by operation oflaw, become liable to pay all debts and liabilities of suchincorporated city, town or village; provided further, that beforesuch city shall extend its limits so as to include anincorporated city, town or village, four-sevenths of thequalified voters of the incorporated city, town or village,voting at such election so desired to be included within thelimits of such city, shall vote in favor of such proposition atan election, to be determined in the following manner, to wit:Whenever such city shall desire to include within its limits anyincorporated city, town or village, the mayor of such city shallinform the mayor or other chief officer of the incorporated city,town or village proposed to be so taken in of its intention toinclude said city, town or village within the limits; the mayorthereof shall order the question to be submitted to determine thewish of said city, town or village. If four-sevenths of thevoters voting on the question shall vote in favor of the proposedextension, the mayor shall certify the result to the mayor ofsuch city, and such city may proceed to extend its limits asprovided in this section.
(RSMo 1939 § 7514, A.L. 1953 p. 298, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7361; 1919 § 8775
Extension of limits to include other incorporated city, RSMo 82.090 to 82.170
Procedure for annexation of area to which objection is made, RSMo 71.015