80.140. Sprinkling or oiling of streets--estimate of cost--notice of hearing.
Sprinkling or oiling of streets--estimate of cost--notice ofhearing.
80.140. Upon receipt of such petition, it shall be the dutyof the board of trustees to make or cause to be made a carefulestimate of the approximate cost in total of said sprinkling,oiling or treating and an average general cost per linear foot ofeach lot, fronting or bordering upon the streets, avenues, alleysand public places so outlined in the petition. Upon completionof said estimate a written report thereof shall be posted in oneor more conspicuous places in or about the town or village, orcause to be published in at least one paper, if such paper bepublished in the town or village. Such report shall containtherein a notice of public hearing where persons may be heardeither for or against granting the petition. Said hearing to benot less than fifteen days from date of posting of said notice ofsaid publication. The time, date, and place of meeting shall bedesignated by the board of trustees.
(RSMo 1939 § 7249)Prior revision: 1929 § 7098