79.555. Powers of authority (certain municipalities).
Powers of authority (certain municipalities).
79.555. The authority shall have the power to:
(1) Acquire by gift, purchase or lease, sell or otherwisedispose of, and to plan, construct, operate and maintain, orlease to others for operation and maintenance, industrial parks,warehouses, grain elevators, commodity and other storagefacilities, and air, water, rail, motor vehicle and otherterminal or parking facilities;
(2) Contract with municipalities or other politicalsubdivisions for the services or use of any facility owned oroperated by the authority, or owned or operated by any suchmunicipality or other political subdivision;
(3) Borrow money for any of the authorized purposes of theauthority and to issue the negotiable notes, bonds or otherinstruments in writing of the authority in evidence of the sum orsums to be borrowed;
(4) Issue negotiable refunding notes, bonds or otherinstruments in writing for the purpose of refunding, extending orunifying the whole or any part of its valid indebtedness fromtime to time outstanding, whether evidenced by notes, bonds orother instruments in writing;
(5) Provide that all negotiable notes, bonds or otherinstruments in writing issued either pursuant to subdivision (3)or pursuant to subdivision (4) of this section shall be payable,both as to principal and interest, out of the revenues collectedfor the use of any facility or combination of facilities owned oroperated or owned and operated by the authority, or out of anyother resources of the authority, and may be further secured by amortgage or deed of trust upon any property owned by theauthority. All notes, bonds or other instruments in writingissued by the authority as provided in this section shall be soldat public or private sale, shall mature in not to exceed thirtyyears from the date thereof, shall bear interest at the bestobtainable rate, and shall be sold for not less than ninety-fivepercent of the par value thereof. The authority shall have thepower to prescribe the details of such notes, bonds or otherinstruments in writing, and of the issuance and sale thereof, andshall have power to enter into covenants with the holders of suchnotes, bonds or other instruments in writing, not inconsistentwith the powers granted to the authority, without furtherlegislative authority;
(6) Contract and be contracted with, and to sue and be suedin contract;
(7) Promulgate rules and regulations necessary to administerthe provisions of sections 79.550 to 79.565;
(8) Specifically purchase lands from the county in which onecity is situated, from any county airport authority or from anyother political subdivision of this state;
(9) Make leasing arrangements and contracts on any landspurchased by the authority in order to finance economicdevelopment, with revenues from such contracts and arrangementsto be used to assist in the repayment of bonds issued by theauthority;
(10) Hire personnel necessary in order to effectivelyadminister the provisions of sections 79.550 to 79.565.
(L. 1988 H.B. 1738 § 3)Effective 6-24-88