79.495. Disincorporation without election allowed, when--diminishing city limits (certain fourth class cities).
Disincorporation without election allowed, when--diminishing citylimits (certain fourth class cities).
79.495. 1. The county governing body of any county in which a cityof the fourth class is located shall have the power to disincorporate suchcity upon petition of two-thirds of the voters of such city, without anelection in such city, provided that the petition requests disincorporationwithout an election, and provided that the population of such city is lessthan one hundred.
2. Upon the application of any person or persons owning a tract ofland containing five acres or more in a city of the fourth class with apopulation less than one hundred in any county, the governing body of suchcounty may, in its discretion, diminish the limits of such city byexcluding any such tract of land from said corporate limits without anelection in such city; provided that such application shall be accompaniedby a petition asking for such change without an election and signed by amajority of the registered voters in such city and to the extent there areno such registered voters available in such city, then such petition shallbe signed by the parties owning a majority of the land area to be excludedfrom such city limits. Thereafter, such tract of land so excluded shallnot be deemed or held to be any part of such city.
(L. 1987 H.B. 160 § 1, A.L. 2007 S.B. 22)