79.450. Certain activities to be prohibited and suppressed.
Certain activities to be prohibited and suppressed.
79.450. 1. The board of aldermen shall enact ordinances toprohibit and suppress houses of prostitution and other disorderlyhouses and practices, including gambling and gambling houses, andall kinds of public indecencies, and may prohibit the selling orgiving of intoxicating liquors to any minor or habitual drunkard.
2. The board of aldermen shall also enact ordinances torestrain and prohibit riots, noises, assaults and batteries,disturbances of the peace, disturbances of religious and otherlawful assemblies, indecent shows, exhibitions or concerts in anystreet, house or place in the city, disorderly assemblies, and toregulate, restrain and prevent the discharge of firearms, and thekeeping and discharge of rockets, powder, fireworks or otherdangerous combustible materials in the streets or in limits ofthe city.
3. The board of aldermen may also regulate and control theconstruction of buildings, the construction and cleaning offireplaces, chimneys, stoves and stovepipes, ovens, boilers,kettles, forges or any apparatus used in any building,manufactory or business which may be dangerous in causing orpromoting fires, and may provide for the inspection of the same.
4. The board of aldermen may also provide by ordinancelimits within which no building shall be constructed except ofbrick or stone or other incombustible materials, with fireproofroofs, and impose a penalty for the violation of such ordinance,and may cause buildings commenced, put up or removed into suchlimits in violation of such ordinance, to be removed or abated.
5. The board of aldermen may also purchase fire engines,hook and ladder outfits, hose and hose carts, buckets and allother apparatus useful in the extinguishing of fires, andorganize fire companies and prescribe rules of duty for thegovernment thereof, with such penalties for the violation thereofas they may deem proper, and not exceeding one hundred dollarsand to make all necessary expenditures for the purchase of suchfire apparatus and the payment of such fire companies.
6. The board of aldermen may enact or make all ordinances,rules and regulations necessary to carry out the purposes of thischapter.
7. The board of aldermen may enact or make all ordinances,rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the laws of thestate, expedient for maintaining the peace, good government andwelfare of the city and its trade and commerce.
(RSMo 1939 § 7169, A.L. 1971 S.B. 299)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7019; 1919 § 8470; 1909 § 9372