78.570. Powers of council--city manager.
Powers of council--city manager.
78.570. 1. Except as herein otherwise provided the councilof any city organizing under sections 78.430 to 78.640 shall haveall of the powers now or hereafter given to the council or to themayor and council jointly, under the law by which such cityadopting said sections was governed under its formerorganization; and shall have such power over and control of theadministration of the city government as is provided in saidsections.
2. It shall be the duty of the council to pass allordinances and other measures conducive to the welfare of thecity and to the proper carrying out of the provisions of sections78.430 to 78.640. It shall appoint a suitable person not amember of the council to be the administrative head of the citygovernment whose official title shall be "city manager". Thecouncil shall also provide for all offices and positions inaddition to those herein specified, which may become necessaryfor the proper carrying on of the work of the city, and shall fixthe salary and compensation of all officers and employees of thecity not herein provided for. All officers of the city shall bepaid in equal monthly installments for their services and allemployees of the city shall be paid monthly or at such shorterperiods as the council shall determine. The creation of alloffices and salaries attached thereto, which may be provided forby the council under sections 78.430 to 78.640, shall be byordinance, and they shall all be for an indefinite term. Thecouncil shall also provide office rooms at the city hall or atsome other convenient and suitable place in the city for thetransaction of the business of the city and for the convenienceof its officers.
(RSMo 1939 § 7087)Prior revision: 1929 § 6937