72.423. Five-year planning cycle, procedures, map plans, review.
Five-year planning cycle, procedures, map plans, review.
72.423. 1. In any county in which a boundary commission has beenestablished pursuant to section 72.400, all boundary changes andunincorporated area proposals shall be subject to the five-year planningcycle mandated in this section. No municipality nor other person shallfile, nor shall the commission accept or review, any boundary change orunincorporated area proposal which has not previously been submitted to thecommission for map plan review and comment as provided in this section,except that consolidations of municipalities and transfers of jurisdictionpursuant to subdivision (2) of subsection 6 of section 72.405 may be soughtat any time without prior submission for map plan review and comment asprovided in this section.
2. Between January 1, 2000, and July 1, 2000, and between Januaryfirst and July first of each sixth year thereafter, each municipality, thecounty, and any citizen group may present general maps of proposed boundarychanges and proposed established unincorporated areas to the commission formap plan review. Proposed incorporations and unincorporated areas, if notsubmitted by the county, shall be submitted by petition of no less thanfive percent of the registered voters within the proposed area. Boundarychange and unincorporated area maps shall not be accompanied by a plan ofintent, but shall be depicted with sufficient detail and accuracy to permitreview and comment.
3. Between August 1, 2000, and December 31, 2000, and each sixth yearthereafter, the commission shall solicit written comments on all boundarychange and established unincorporated area map plans and shall holdinformational public hearings in or near the affected areas, at which thecounty, any municipality, or other interested person shall be heard. Thecommission may encourage negotiation between parties involved in competingmap plans. Map plans may be amended by the submitting parties until Aprilfifteenth of the year following map plan submission based on negotiation orbased on the hearings or other comments, but no such amendment shallenlarge the boundary change or unincorporated area map plan beyond the areaoriginally submitted, except for minor technical amendments necessary toaddress boundary issues.
4. The commission may by April first of the year following map plansubmission issue written comments regarding each boundary change andunincorporated area map plan to notify proponents of the merits or demeritsof such map plan based on planning and public policy considerations. Themap plan as submitted or as amended by April fifteenth shall remain on filewith the commission, and shall be the limit of permissible boundary changesand unincorporated area proposals as provided in subsection 1 of thissection.
5. Proposals shall be submitted to the commission no later than Julyfirst of the third year following conclusion of map plan review. Anyproposal which has not been approved by the commission by January first ofthe next review period year as provided in subsection 2 of this sectionshall expire without further action.
(L. 1999 S.B. 160 & 82 § 20, A.L. 2000 H.B. 1967)Effective 6-27-00