72.412. Commission independent of county--budget request, appropriation level--application fee for annexation, use.
Commission independent of county--budget request, appropriationlevel--application fee for annexation, use.
72.412. 1. The commission, once established, shall not be a countycommission but shall act as an independent commission. The commission mayhire such staff and acquire such facilities as it finds necessary to carryout its duties.
2. The commission shall submit a budget requesting the fundsnecessary to carry out its duties pursuant to sections 72.400 to 72.423.The county shall appropriate and provide a reasonable and necessary levelof funding for the commission to carry out its statutory duties. Inaddition, the county shall upon request provide petitioners with suchavailable information as may be necessary to develop a plan of intent.Funding must provide for at least one professional staff person, oneattorney or the equivalent funds for legal services, and clerical supportfor the professional staff and attorney. All salary levels shall be basedupon the personnel system in use for county employees.
3. The commission shall provide by rule for an application fee formunicipal annexations in the amount of one dollar per resident of theproposed annexation area to defray the commission's cost of processing andreviewing proposals.
(L. 1989 H.B. 487 § 4, A.L. 1995 H.B. 446, A.L. 1999 S.B. 160 & 82, A.L. 2000 H.B. 1967)Effective 6-27-00