72.185. Charter commission to recommend name and form of government of consolidated municipality--approval by election.
Charter commission to recommend name and form of government ofconsolidated municipality--approval by election.
72.185. In the event that the question as voted upon doesnot contain the name and form of government of the proposedconsolidated municipality and the details of transition, such aswhich officers will serve, which employees shall be retained,what taxes will be collected, what ordinances will be in effectand similar matters for the operation of the consolidatedmunicipality until the new governing body provides otherwise,then the governing body of each affected municipality shallselect five commissioners if only two cities, towns or villagesare involved or if more than two cities, towns or villages areinvolved, three or more commissioners from each involved city,town or village, with an equal number being appointed from eachcity, town or village and not less than ten commissioners beingappointed in all, to meet with similar commissioners appointedfrom the other affected municipalities, the commissioners tostudy and recommend an appropriate name and form of government ofthe consolidated municipality and the details of the transition.The commissioners shall recommend the name and form of governmentof the consolidated municipality and the details of thetransition, and, if the question fails to pass by a simplemajority in both or all of the same affected municipalities, anew charter commission shall be appointed which shall submit asecond recommendation to the voters. If the secondrecommendation as to name and form of government and the detailsof the transition shall also fail to pass by a simple majority,the results of the two submissions shall be compared and thequestion receiving the highest total number of votes in favorthereof shall be considered as having passed by a simplemajority.
(L. 1961 p. 193, A.L. 1963 p. 128, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971, A.L. 1992 S.B. 571)Effective 7-9-92