72.100. City or town situated on county line.
City or town situated on county line.
72.100. Provided, that when any city, town or other area isor may be situated on the county line, and in two counties, thepetition shall be signed by a number of voters equal to fifteenpercent of the votes cast in the last gubernatorial election inthe area proposed in each county to be incorporated of such city,town or other area in each county, and presented to the governingbody of each county, and designating that each of the twogoverning bodies equally shall designate the officers therefor.If the governing body of each county shall be satisfied that anumber of voters equal to fifteen percent of the votes cast inthe last gubernatorial election in the area proposed in eachcounty to be incorporated have signed such petition, thegoverning bodies of each county shall submit the question to thevoters. If a majority of the voters voting on the question, ofeach of the counties in such city or town, vote forincorporation, the governing bodies of each county shall declaresuch city or town incorporated and the inhabitants thereof shallthenceforth be a body politic and incorporate, by the name andstyle of "the city of ..............", or "the town of.............", and provided further, that appeals taken from thedecision of the mayor, judge or other officer before whom anycause is tried, acting for said city, town or other area may besent to the circuit court of either county wherein such city ortown is situated, as may be specified in the order granting suchappeal.
(RSMo 1939 § 6217, A.L. 1971 H.B. 28, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)Prior revisions: 1929 § 6095; 1919 § 7615; 1909 § 8529