43.546. Fingerprinting of applicants for background checks permitted by state agencies, boards, and commissions, when--procedure.
Fingerprinting of applicants for background checks permitted by stateagencies, boards, and commissions, when--procedure.
43.546. 1. Any state agency, board, or commission may require thefingerprinting of applicants in specified occupations or appointmentswithin the state agency, board, or commission for the purpose of positiveidentification and receiving criminal history record information whendetermining an applicant's ability or fitness to serve in such occupationor appointment.
2. In order to facilitate the criminal background check undersubsection 1 of this section on any person employed or appointed by a stateagency, board, or commission, and in accordance with section 43.543, theapplicant or employee shall submit a set of fingerprints collected underthe standards determined by the Missouri highway patrol. The fingerprintsand accompanying fees, unless otherwise arranged, shall be forwarded to thehighway patrol to be used to search the state criminal history repositoryand the fingerprints shall be forwarded to the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation* for a national criminal background check. Notwithstandingthe provisions of section 610.120, RSMo, all records related to anycriminal history information discovered shall be accessible and availableto the state agency making the request.
(L. 2007 H.B. 41)*Word "Investigations" appears in original rolls.