43.518. Criminal records and justice information advisory committee, established--purpose--members--meetings, quorum--minutes, distribution, filing of.
Criminal records and justice information advisory committee,established--purpose--members--meetings, quorum--minutes,distribution, filing of.
43.518. 1. There is hereby established within the department ofpublic safety a "Criminal Records and Justice Information AdvisoryCommittee" whose purpose is to:
(1) Recommend general policies with respect to the philosophy,concept and operational principles of the Missouri criminal history recordinformation system established by sections 43.500 to 43.530, in regard tothe collection, processing, storage, dissemination and use of criminalhistory record information maintained by the central repository;
(2) Assess the current state of electronic justice informationsharing; and
(3) Recommend policies and strategies, including standards andtechnology, for promoting electronic justice information sharing, andcoordinating among the necessary agencies and institutions; and
(4) Provide guidance regarding the use of any state or federal fundsappropriated for promoting electronic justice information sharing.
2. The committee shall be composed of the following officials ortheir designees: the director of the department of public safety; thedirector of the department of corrections and human resources; the attorneygeneral; the director of the Missouri office of prosecution services; thepresident of the Missouri prosecutors association; the president of theMissouri court clerks association; the chief clerk of the Missouri statesupreme court; the director of the state courts administrator; the chairmanof the state judicial record committee; the chairman of the circuit courtbudget committee; the presidents of the Missouri peace officersassociation; the Missouri sheriffs association; the Missouri police chiefsassociation or their successor agency; the superintendent of the Missourihighway patrol; the chiefs of police of agencies in jurisdictions with overtwo hundred thousand population; except that, in any county of the firstclass having a charter form of government, the chief executive of thecounty may designate another person in place of the police chief of anycountywide police force, to serve on the committee; and, at the discretionof the director of public safety, as many as three other representatives ofother criminal justice records systems or law enforcement agencies may beappointed by the director of public safety. The director of the departmentof public safety will serve as the permanent chairman of this committee.
3. The committee shall meet as determined by the director but notless than semiannually to perform its duties. A majority of the appointedmembers of the committee shall constitute a quorum.
4. No member of the committee shall receive any state compensationfor the performance of duties associated with membership on this committee.
5. Official minutes of all committee meetings will be prepared by thedirector, promptly distributed to all committee members, and filed by thedirector for a period of at least five years.
(L. 1986 H.B. 873 & 874 §7, A.L. 2002 H.B. 1895)