41.500. Reserve forces--called to duty, when.
Reserve forces--called to duty, when.
41.500. The governor may call out the reserve forces, or anypart of the same, to execute the laws, to suppress insurrections,repel invasion, and suppress lawlessness and provide emergencyrelief to distressed areas in the event of earthquake, flood,tornado, or other actual or threatened public catastrophecreating conditions of distress or hazard to public health andsafety beyond the capacities of local or other establishedagencies, under the same circumstances and in the same manner asis in this chapter provided for the use of the national guard,the air national guard and the organized militia in suchemergencies, and when so placed on duty, the reserve forces shallhave the same status, power and authority conferred upon thenational guard, the air national guard and the organized militiaby this chapter.
(RSMo 1939 § 15022, A.L. 1951 p. 654 § 92)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13829; 1919 § 7357