41.160. Adjutant general--duties.
Adjutant general--duties.
41.160. 1. The adjutant general shall be the military secretary andchief of staff to the commander in chief and the administrative head of themilitary establishment of the state.
2. The adjutant general shall, under direction of the governor, becharged with the supervision of all matters pertaining to theadministration, discipline, mobilization, organization and training of theorganized militia of the state.
3. The adjutant general shall perform all duties required of theadjutant general by the laws of the United States and of the state, and theregulations issued pursuant to such laws, now or hereafter promulgated, andsuch duties as pertain to the function of the chief of staff.
4. The adjutant general shall supervise the preparation andsubmission of all returns and reports pertaining to the militia of thestate as may be required by the United States.
5. The adjutant general shall be the channel of militarycorrespondence with the governor and shall have custody of all militaryrecords, correspondence and other military documents.
6. The adjutant general shall make an annual report to the governorat such time as the governor may require, setting forth the transaction ofthe office of the adjutant general, the strength and condition of theorganized militia, including results of latest federal inspections, andsuch other matters as the adjutant general may deem important or may berequested by the governor.
7. The adjutant general shall record, authenticate and communicate totroops and individuals of the militia all orders, instructions andregulations.
8. The adjutant general shall cause to be procured, printed andcirculated to those concerned all books, blank forms, laws, regulations orother publications governing the militia needful to the properadministration, operation and training thereof or to carry into effect theprovisions of this code.
9. The adjutant general shall collect and maintain the personnelrecords of the organized militia, to include all records of the Missourinational guard not in federal service, and shall keep on file in the officeof the adjutant general complete records of the enrollment, commissions andservice of all officers and enlisted members thereof.
10. The adjutant general shall have an appropriate seal of office andaffix its impression to all certificates of record issued from the officeof the adjutant general.
11. The adjutant general shall perform such other military duties,not otherwise assigned, as may be ordered by the governor.
12. The adjutant general shall direct the inspector general of stateheadquarters to conduct an annual inspection of the state militia fiscaland property account.
13. The adjutant general shall have control of all armories that areowned, erected, purchased, leased or provided by the state. The adjutantgeneral, in the name of the state of Missouri, may acquire by purchase andmay receive by donation or dedication any property which may be used formilitary purposes. For the control and management of armories described inthis section, the adjutant general may establish armory boards, thepersonnel of which shall serve without pay. Such boards, subject to thedirection of the adjutant general, shall control, manage and supervise allactivities in such armories and may rent such armories to persons ororganizations not connected with the organized militia. All moneysreceived from the rental of such armories shall be credited to the adjutantgeneral's revolving fund, or to such political subdivisions as such armoryboards, subject to the direction of the adjutant general, may direct.
(L. 1951 p. 654 § 23, A.L. 1982 S.B. 715, A.L. 1991 S.B. 358, A.L. 1999 H.B. 326)