41.1010. Missouri military preparedness and enhancement commission established, purpose, members, duties.
Missouri military preparedness and enhancement commission established,purpose, members, duties.
41.1010. 1. There is hereby established the "Missouri MilitaryPreparedness and Enhancement Commission". The commission shall have as itspurpose the design and implementation of measures intended to protect,retain, and enhance the present and future mission capabilities at themilitary posts or bases within the state. The commission shall consist ofnine members:
(1) Five members to be appointed by the governor;
(2) Two members of the house of representatives, one appointed by thespeaker of the house of representatives, and one appointed by the minorityfloor leader;
(3) Two members of the senate, one appointed by the president protempore, and one appointed by the minority floor leader;
(4) The director of the department of economic development or thedirector's designee, ex officio;
(5) The chairman of the Missouri veterans' commission or thechairman's designee, ex officio.
No more than three of the five members appointed by the governor shall beof the same political party. To be eligible for appointment by thegovernor, a person shall have demonstrated experience in economicdevelopment, the defense industry, military installation operation,environmental issues, finance, local government, or the use of air spacefor future military missions. Appointed members of the commission shallserve three-year terms, except that of the initial appointments made by thegovernor, two shall be for one-year terms, two shall be for two-year terms,and one shall be for a three-year term. No appointed member of thecommission shall serve more than six years total. A vacancy occurs if alegislative member leaves office for any reason. Any vacancy on thecommission shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.
2. Members of the commission shall be reimbursed for the actual andnecessary expenses incurred in the discharge of the member's officialduties.
3. A chair of the commission shall be selected by the members of thecommission.
4. The commission shall meet at least quarterly and at such othertimes as the chair deems necessary.
5. The commission shall be funded by an appropriation limited to thatpurpose. Any expenditure constituting more than ten percent of thecommission's annual appropriation shall be based on a competitive bidprocess.
6. The commission shall:
(1) Advise the governor and the general assembly on military issuesand economic and industrial development related to military issues;
(2) Make recommendations regarding:
(a) Developing policies and plans to support the long-term viabilityand prosperity of the military, active and retiree, and civilian militaryemployees, in this state, including promoting strategic regional alliancesthat may extend over state lines;
(b) Developing methods to improve private and public employmentopportunities for former members of the military and their familiesresiding in this state; and
(c) Developing methods to assist defense-dependent communities in thedesign and execution of programs that enhance a community's relationshipwith military installations and defense-related businesses;
(3) Provide information to communities, the general assembly, thestate's congressional delegation, and state agencies regarding federalactions affecting military installations and missions;
(4) Serve as a clearinghouse for:
(a) Defense economic adjustment and transition information andactivities; and
(b) Information concerning the following:
a. Issues related to the operating costs, missions, and strategicvalue of federal military installations located in the state;
b. Employment issues for communities that depend on defense bases andin defense-related businesses; and
c. Defense strategies and incentive programs that other states areusing to maintain, expand, and attract new defense contractors;
(5) Provide assistance to communities that have experienced adefense-related closure or realignment;
(6) Assist communities in the design and execution of programs thatenhance a community's relationship with military installations anddefense-related businesses, including regional alliances that may extendover state lines;
(7) Assist communities in the retention and recruiting ofdefense-related businesses, including fostering strategic regionalalliances that may extend over state lines;
(8) Prepare a biennial strategic plan that:
(a) Fosters the enhancement of military value of the contributions ofMissouri military installations to national defense strategies;
(b) Considers all current and anticipated base realignment andclosure criteria; and
(c) Develops strategies to protect the state's existing militarymissions and positions the state to be competitive for new and expandedmilitary missions;
(9) Encourage economic development in this state by fostering thedevelopment of industries related to defense affairs.
7. The commission shall prepare and present an annual report to thegovernor and the general assembly by December thirty-first of each year.
8. The department of economic development shall furnishadministrative support and staff for the effective operation of thecommission.
(L. 2005 H.B. 348 merged with S.B. 252, A.L. 2008 H.B. 1678)