34.192. Reports, method of preparation--minimization of volume of printed material produced.
Reports, method of preparation--minimization of volume of printedmaterial produced.
34.192. 1. Any report submitted to the commissioner ofadministration pursuant to section 34.190 shall be prepared andprinted using both sides of the paper.
2. When a state department or agency is required to send areport to the general assembly, a copy of the report shall besent to the president pro tem of the senate, the speaker of thehouse and shall be filed with the legislative library. Eachmember of the general assembly shall be notified that the reportis available and a copy shall be furnished without charge uponrequest of any member. If such report is less than two pages inlength, the report shall be furnished to each member in lieu of anotice. There shall be no cost to the member for a copy of areport furnished pursuant to this subsection.
3. The state courts administrator, each department andagency of the executive branch and the general assembly shalldevelop and implement policies which minimize the volume ofprinted material produced. At a minimum, the general assemblyand each of the state's courts, departments and agencies shallensure that documents are printed on both sides and thatpublication and distribution policies are periodically reviewedto ensure that unnecessary printing and distribution of documentsis minimized.
(L. 1993 S.B. 80, et al. § 14)