34.180. To determine form of printed matter--exceptions.

To determine form of printed matter--exceptions.

34.180. The commissioner of administration shall advise and assiststate agencies with the planning, design and layout for any printed matter,so the same may be produced in the most economical and effectivemanner. The form, style, spacing of lines, the kind of binding, the methodand material of all public printing, when not otherwise prescribed by law,shall be determined by the commissioner of administration, in consultationwith the requesting agency, having proper regard for economy andworkmanship and the purpose for which the work is needed, except that (1)the form of legislative printing may be prescribed by the general assembly,and (2) after consultation with the commissioner of administration, theclerk of the supreme court may determine the typography of work done forthe courts and the board of curators of the University of Missouri and theboards of regents of the state colleges may determine the typography ofwork done for their respective institutions. The commissioner ofadministration shall standardize as many items of printing as are deemedpracticable and shall from time to time prepare instructions to the usingagencies describing the standards adopted.

(L. 1945 p. 1428 § 78, A.L. 1959 H.B. 113, A.L. 1995 H.B. 562)