34.165. Commissioner to give bidding preference to the blind, when--authority to make rules--auditor may examine records, when.
Commissioner to give bidding preference to the blind, when--authorityto make rules--auditor may examine records, when.
34.165. 1. In making purchases for this state, its governmentalagencies or political subdivisions, the commissioner of administrationshall give a bidding preference consisting of a ten-point bonus on bids forproducts and services manufactured, produced or assembled in qualifiednonprofit organizations for the blind established pursuant to theprovisions of 41 U.S.C. Sections 46 to 48c, as amended and in shelteredworkshops holding a certificate of approval from the department ofelementary and secondary education pursuant to section 178.920, RSMo, ifthe participating nonprofit organization provides the greater of twopercent or five thousand dollars of the total contract value of bids forpurchase not exceeding ten million dollars.
2. An affidavit signed by the director or manager and the boardpresident of a participating nonprofit organization shall be provided tothe purchasing agency by the contractor at the completion of the contractor within thirty days of the first anniversary of the contract, whicheverfirst occurs, verifying compliance.
3. The commissioner of administration shall make such rules andregulations regarding specifications, quality standards, time of delivery,performance and other relevant matters as shall be necessary to carry outthe purpose of this section. No rule or portion of a rule promulgatedpursuant to the authority of this section shall become effective unless ithas been promulgated pursuant to the provisions of section 536.024, RSMo.
4. At the request of the commissioner of administration, the stateauditor may examine all records, books and data of any qualified nonprofitorganization for the blind to determine the costs of manufacturing productsor rendering services and the manner and efficiency of production andadministration of such nonprofit organization with relation to any productor services purchased by this state, its governmental agencies or politicalsubdivisions and to furnish the results of such examination to thecommissioner for appropriate action.
(L. 1997 H.B. 107 § 1, A.L. 2007 H.B. 352)