34.130. State departments to estimate and submit list of annual needs.
State departments to estimate and submit list of annual needs.
34.130. On or before May first of each year, each departmentshall submit to the commissioner of administration a classifiedlist of its estimated needs for supplies for the following fiscalyear. The commissioner of administration shall consolidate theseand may purchase the entire amount or such part thereof at onetime as he shall deem best. Any contract for such purchases mayprovide only the price at which the supplies needed during theyear shall be purchased and that the supplies shall be deliveredin such amounts and at such times as ordered throughout the yearand be paid for at such time and for such amounts as delivered.In such case, certification from the commissioner ofadministration and the auditor shall be required only for theamount ordered at any time.
(RSMo 1939 § 14594, A.L. 1945 p. 1428 § 68)