34.074. Disabled veterans, state and political subdivision contracts, preference to be given, when.
Disabled veterans, state and political subdivision contracts,preference to be given, when.
34.074. 1. As used in this section, the term "service-disabledveteran" means any individual who is disabled as certified by theappropriate federal agency responsible for the administration of veterans'affairs.
2. As used in this section, the term "service-disabled* veteranbusiness" means a business concern:
(1) Not less than fifty-one percent of which is owned by one or moreservice-disabled veterans or, in the case of any publicly owned business,not less than fifty-one percent of the stock of which is owned by one ormore service-disabled veterans; and
(2) The management and daily business operations of which arecontrolled by one or more service-disabled veterans.
3. In letting contracts for the performance of any job or service,all agencies, departments, institutions, and other entities of this stateand of each political subdivision of this state shall give preference todisabled veteran businesses doing business as Missouri firms, corporations,or individuals, or which maintain Missouri offices or places of business,when the quality of performance promised is equal or better and the pricequoted is the same or less. The commissioner of administration may alsogive such preference whenever competing bids, in their entirety, arecomparable.
4. In implementing the provisions of subsection 3 of this section,the following shall apply:
(1) The commissioner of administration shall have the goal of threepercent of all such contracts described in subsection 3 of this section tobe let to such veterans;
(2) If no such veterans doing business in this state meet the qualityof performance and price standards required in subsection 3 of thissection, such preference shall not be required.
(L. 2008 H.B. 1313)*Word "disable" appears in original rolls.