32.117. Homelessness assistance projects--business firms proposing to provide, approval required--location of project requirements--tax credit, amount.
Homelessness assistance projects--business firms proposing to provide,approval required--location of project requirements--tax credit,amount.
32.117. 1. Any business firm which engages in theactivity of providing a homeless assistance project forlow-income persons in the state of Missouri shall receive a taxcredit as provided in section 32.115, if the division ofcommunity development within the department of economicdevelopment annually approves the proposal of the business firm.The proposal shall only be approved if the project is located ina city with a population of four hundred thousand or moreinhabitants which is located in more than one county and whichserves a mix of rural and urban counties.
2. For purposes of this section "low-income persons" shallmean families or persons with incomes of fifty percent or lessof median income adjusted for family size as allowed by theDepartment of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under section8.
3. The purpose of a homeless assistance project shall be toserve low-income families or persons who are experiencingeconomic crisis caused by one or more of the following:
(1) Loss of employment;
(2) Medical disability or emergency;
(3) Loss or delay of some form of public assistancebenefits;
(4) Natural disaster;
(5) Substantial change in household composition;
(6) Victimization by criminal activity;
(7) Illegal action by a landlord;
(8) Displacement by government or private action; or
(9) Some other condition which constitutes a hardship.
4. The amount of the tax credit shall not exceed fifty-fivepercent of the value of the proposal benefits, which shallinclude one or more of the following types of benefits tolow-income persons in order to be eligible:
(1) Payment of rent or mortgage for not more than threemonths during any twelve-month period;
(2) Payment to a landlord of a rent deposit or a securitydeposit for not more than two months during any twelve-monthperiod;
(3) Case management services which shall include supportservices such as child care, education resource assistance, jobresource assistance, counseling, and resource and referral;
(4) Outreach services to low-income persons to preventhomelessness;
(5) Transitional housing facilities with support services.
5. The homeless assistance program shall give priority tothe following types of low-income families or individuals:
(1) Families with minor children who are in imminent dangerof removal from the family because of a lack of suitable housingaccommodation;
(2) Single parent household;
(3) Other households with children;
(4) Households with a disabled household member or ahousehold member who is at least sixty-five years of age;
(5) All other households.
6. The organization implementing a homeless assistanceprogram pursuant to this section shall make annual reportsidentifying the goal of the program, the number of recipientsserved, the type of services rendered, and moneys expended toprovide the program. The program report shall be submitted tothe governor, speaker of the house of representatives and thepresident pro tem of the senate. These reports shall also beavailable to the general public upon request.
7. For each of the fiscal years beginning on July 1, 1991,and July 1, 1992, one million dollars in tax credits may beallowed to be used for the homeless assistance pilot project,pursuant to this section.
(L. 1990 H.B. 960)Effective 10-1-90