27.020. Assistants and other personnel--qualifications--compensation.
Assistants and other personnel--qualifications--compensation.
27.020. 1. The attorney general is hereby authorized toappoint such assistant attorneys general as may be necessary toproperly perform the duties of his office and shall fix thecompensation of such assistants within the limits of the amountappropriated by the general assembly. Said assistant attorneysgeneral shall hold their office at the pleasure of the attorneygeneral, shall possess the same qualifications as the attorneygeneral, and before entering upon the discharge of their dutiesshall each take and subscribe to an oath to support theConstitution of the United States and of the state of Missouriand to faithfully demean themselves in office. It shall be theirduty to assist the attorney general in his official duties withpower and authority under his direction to represent him in thedischarge of all the duties of his office.
2. The attorney general may, at the request of any officer,department, board, bureau, commission or agency of the state,assign assistant attorneys general to perform the dutiesprescribed by law before or upon behalf of such officer,department, board, bureau, commission or agency and may, uponrequest as aforesaid, from time to time reassign such assistants.
3. The attorney general is also authorized to appoint achief clerk, stenographers, typists, clerks, investigators andsuch other employees as shall be necessary to properly performthe duties of his office and shall fix the compensation ofpersons thus employed within the limits of the amountappropriated by the general assembly. Said employees shall serveduring the pleasure of the attorney general. The assistantattorneys general and the chief clerk, stenographers, typists,clerks, investigators and other employees shall be paid in thesame manner and at the same time as the attorney general. Thecompensation and expenses of said assistants and employees may bepaid out of any state or federal funds appropriated to saiddepartment for such purposes.
(RSMo 1939 § 12902, A.L. 1949 p. 227)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11277; 1919 § 697; 1909 § 971