23.153. Record kept by staff member on persons initiating inquiries or attempting to influence content of fiscal note--penalty.

Record kept by staff member on persons initiating inquiries orattempting to influence content of fiscal note--penalty.

23.153. 1. As part of the preparation of any fiscal notefor any proposed piece of legislation, the staff member of theoversight division assigned to prepare that note shall maintain alog, which shall be a public record as defined in chapter 610,RSMo. That log shall contain a record of any contact initiatedby any other person who either inquires regarding the content ofthe fiscal note or who attempts to influence the preparation ofthe fiscal note. The log shall contain, at a minimum, the nameand position of the person initiating the contact, the time anddate of the contact, the number of the fiscal note and the numberof the proposed piece of legislation, and a narrative summary ofthe comments made by the person who initiated the contact.

2. Violation of the provisions of this section is a class Amisdemeanor.

(L. 1984 H.B. 1087)