21.475. Wetlands committee created, members--contracts with certain entities, committee approval, when--hearings, reimbursement, staff assistance.
Wetlands committee created, members--contracts with certain entities,committee approval, when--hearings, reimbursement, staff assistance.
21.475. 1. Because wetlands are a vital natural resource and wetlandconversion is of vital interest to Missouri farmers, conservationists, andlandowners, for oversight of various activities of the department ofnatural resources and other agencies, the senate and the house ofrepresentatives shall establish a "Joint Committee on Wetlands", composedof five members of the senate, appointed by the president pro tem of thesenate, and five members of the house of representatives, appointed by thespeaker of the house. Not more than three members appointed by thepresident pro tem and not more than three members appointed by the speakerof the house shall be from the same political party. Any state departmentor agency except the department of conservation and the department oftransportation shall obtain the approval of the jointcommittee on wetlands prior to entering into a contract with any entity ofthe government or any private entity to conduct any activity relating tothe definition, preservation or restoration of wetlands. Each department,division and agency of state government shall provide any informationrelating to the state's wetlands to the joint committee on wetlands uponrequest of the committee.
2. The committee may hold hearings and conduct investigations withinthe state as it deems advisable, and the members shall receive noadditional compensation, other than reimbursement for their actual andnecessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. The staffof the committee on legislative research, house research, and senateresearch shall provide necessary clerical, research, fiscal and legalservices to the committee, as the committee may request.
(L. 1992 H.B. 1393, A.L. 1995 S.B. 376)