9.130. Emergency Services Day observed, when.

Emergency Services Day observed, when.

9.130. The eleventh day of September of each year shall be known as"Emergency Services Day" and shall be set apart as a day of acknowledging,with special gratitude and profound respect, all public safety personnel,including police, firefighters, ambulance personnel, emergency dispatchers,and corrections officers. The people of this state and all of itspolitical subdivisions are hereby requested to:

(1) Devote some part of such day to recognizing their respectivepublic safety personnel;

(2) Make an effort to urge the citizens of their communities tocooperate with police agencies in the reporting of crimes; and

(3) Cooperate with fire agencies by checking their smoke detectors toassure that such detectors are functional.

(L. 1999 H.B. 893 § 1, A.L. 2002 S.B. 726)