8.800. Definitions.
8.800. As used in sections 8.800 to 8.825, the following terms mean:
(1) "Builder", the prime contractor that hires and coordinatesbuilding subcontractors or if there is no prime contractor, the contractorthat completes more than fifty percent of the total construction workperformed on the building. Construction work includes, but is not limitedto, foundation, framing, wiring, plumbing and finishing work;
(2) "Department", the department of natural resources;
(3) "Designer", the architect, engineer, landscape architect,builder, interior designer or other person who performs the actual designwork or is under the direct supervision and responsibility of the personwho performs the actual design work;
(4) "District heating and cooling systems", heat pump systems whichuse waste heat from factories, sewage treatment plants, municipal solidwaste incineration, lighting and other heat sources in office buildings orwhich use ambient thermal energy from sources including temperaturedifferences in rivers to provide regional heating or cooling;
(5) "Division", the division of design and construction;
(6) "Energy efficiency", the increased productivity or effectivenessof energy resources use, the reduction of energy consumption, or the use ofrenewable energy sources;
(7) "Gray water", all domestic wastewater from a state buildingexcept wastewater from urinals, toilets, laboratory sinks, and garbagedisposals;
(8) "Life cycle costs", the costs associated with the initialconstruction or renovation and the proposed energy consumption, operationand maintenance costs over the useful life of a state building or over thefirst twenty-five years after the construction or renovation is completed;
(9) "Public building", a building owned or operated by a governmentalsubdivision of the state, including, but not limited to, a city, county orschool district;
(10) "Renewable energy source", a source of thermal, mechanical orelectrical energy produced from solar, wind, low-head hydropower, biomass,hydrogen or geothermal sources, but not from the incineration of hazardouswaste, municipal solid waste or sludge from sewage treatment facilities;
(11) "State agency", a department, commission, authority, office,college or university of this state;
(12) "State building", a building owned by this state or an agency ofthis state;
(13) "Substantial renovation" or "substantially renovated",modifications that will affect at least fifty percent of the square footageof the building or modifications that will cost at least fifty percent ofthe building's fair market value.
(L. 1993 H.B. 195 § 1, A.L. 2008 S.B. 1181, et al.)