8.003. Membership of commission, terms, meetings, annual report.
Membership of commission, terms, meetings, annual report.
8.003. 1. The commission shall consist of eleven persons, asfollows: the commissioner of the office of administration; one member ofthe senate from the majority party and one member of the senate from theminority party, appointed by the president pro tempore; one member of thehouse of representatives from the majority party and one member of thehouse of representatives from the minority party, appointed by the speakerof the house of representatives; one employee of the house ofrepresentatives appointed by the speaker of the house of representativesand one employee of the senate appointed by the president pro tempore; andfour members appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of thesenate. The lieutenant governor shall be an ex officio member of thecommission.
2. The legislative members of the commission shall serve for thegeneral assembly during which they are appointed and until their successorsare selected and qualified.
3. The four members appointed by the governor shall be persons whohave knowledge and background regarding the history of the state, thehistory and significance of the seat of state government and the capitolbut shall not be required to be professionals in the subject area.
4. The terms of the four members appointed by the governor shall befour years and until their successors are appointed and qualified.Provided, however, that the first term of three public members shall be fortwo years, thereafter the terms shall be four years. There is nolimitation on the number of terms any appointed member may serve. If avacancy occurs the governor may appoint a member for the remaining portionof the unexpired term created by the vacancy. The governor may remove anymember appointed by him or her for cause. The members of the commissionshall be reimbursed for travel and other expenses actually and necessarilyincurred in the performance of their duties by the office ofadministration.
5. At the first meeting of the commission and at yearly intervalsthereafter, the members shall select from among themselves a chairman and avice chairman.
6. The commission shall hold at least four regular meetings each yearand such additional meetings as the chairman deems desirable at a place andtime to be fixed by the chairman. Special meetings may be called by fivemembers of the commission upon delivery of written notice to each member ofthe commission. Reasonable written notice of all meetings shall be givenby the director to all members of the commission. Five members of thecommission shall constitute a quorum. All actions of the commission shallbe taken at meetings open to the public. Any member absent from sixconsecutive regular commission meetings for any cause whatsoever shall bedeemed to have resigned and the vacancy shall be filled immediately inaccordance with subsection 1 of this section.
7. The commission shall provide a report to the governor and thegeneral assembly annually.
(L. 2001 S.B. 470, A.L. 2009 S.B. 480)