7.250. Dissolution of commission--dismissal of commission.
Dissolution of commission--dismissal of commission.
7.250. As soon as compact agreements to establish officialboundaries with any state having common borders with the state ofMissouri have been negotiated by the Missouri boundarycommission, ratified by the state legislatures of the statesinvolved, and approved by the Congress of the United States, andno other boundary negotiations or discussions are in progress,the Missouri boundary commission shall be dissolved until laterreconvened by the governor. If the Missouri boundary commissionhas not negotiated a compact agreement to establish an officialboundary with one or more of such states, which has been ratifiedby the state legislatures of the states involved and approved bythe Congress of the United States, the Missouri boundarycommission may be dismissed by the governor on a finding thatfurther negotiation will not result in progress toward theestablishment of an official boundary with any such state.
(L. 1992 S.B. 571 § 6)Effective 7-9-92