7.210. Terms of office--successors--vacancies--expenses.
Terms of office--successors--vacancies--expenses.
7.210. The governor, attorney general, and state landsurveyor or their designees and the members of the generalassembly shall serve on the commission for a term equal to theirterms of office. The appointed commissioners from the generalpublic shall serve for the period of the active boundarynegotiations for which the commission has been convened, subjectto removal at any time by the governor. The successors to theoffice of governor, attorney general, and the state land surveyorshall, in addition to all other duties, assume the duties foreach office pursuant to this section. The governor shall fill byappointment any vacancy due to the termination of a term of oneof the appointed commissioners. All commissioners from thegeneral public shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessaryexpenses incurred in the performance of their duties, but nocommissioner shall receive any other compensation for his*services on the commission.
(L. 1992 S.B. 571 § 2)Effective 7-9-92
*Word "their" appears in original rolls.