3.142. Statutory revision fund, established, purposes.
Statutory revision fund, established, purposes.
3.142. 1. There is hereby established in the statetreasury a revolving fund known as the "Statutory Revision Fund",and which shall receive funds paid to the revisor of statutes forsales of the revised statutes of Missouri or any supplementthereto, whether in printed, electronic, magnetic, or other formand funds received for any other service for which there is a feecharged by the committee on legislative research. The committeeon legislative research shall determine the form and any fees orcharges for the statutes or services. The state treasurer shallbe custodian of the fund and shall make disbursements from thefund for enhancing or producing the electronic form of therevised statutes in a computer readable form, enhancing theelectronic* processing of computerized legislative drafting andsuch other purposes authorized by the joint committee onlegislative research upon appropriation by the general assembly.Moneys in the fund may also be used at the direction of thecommittee on legislative research to provide the revised statutesof Missouri and any supplement thereto to public libraries ofthis state in a computer readable format for use by patrons ofthe libraries.
2. Any unexpended balance in the fund at the end of anybiennium not to exceed twice the cost of providing the annualsupplement to the revised statutes of Missouri is exempt from theprovisions of section 33.080, RSMo, relating to transfer ofunexpended balances to the ordinary revenue fund.
(L. 1992 H.B. 1849 § 1)Effective 5-28-92
*Word "electric" appears in original rolls.