Chapter 17 - Trial.
- 99-17-1 - Indictments to be tried within 270 days of arraignment.
- 99-17-3 - Peremptory challenges; number allowed.
- 99-17-5 - Peremptory challenges; joint defendant must agree.
- 99-17-7 - Interpreters.
- 99-17-9 - Trial in the absence of accused.
- 99-17-11 - Only two counsel to a side heard.
- 99-17-13 - Variance between indictment and proof; amendment of record and indictment; continuance.
- 99-17-15 - Variance between indictment and proof; amendment of record and indictment; order for amendment.
- 99-17-17 - Joint defendants are competent witnesses for one another in separate trials.
- 99-17-19 - Assaults; insulting words admissible.
- 99-17-20 - Capital murder or other crimes punishable by death.
- 99-17-21 - Bribery; certain proof not necessary.
- 99-17-23 - Dueling; offender compelled to testify against another.
- 99-17-25 - Gambling and futures contracts; state not confined to proof of single violation.
- 99-17-27 - Gambling and futures contracts; witness compelled to testify; immunity granted; penalty for refusing.
- 99-17-29 - Lotteries; purchaser of ticket compelled to testify against seller.
- 99-17-31 - Offenses affecting legislature; witness denied privilege against self-incrimination.
- 99-17-33 - Perjury; no variance between "sworn" and "affirmed."
- 99-17-35 - Instructions to jury.
- 99-17-37 - Papers may be carried out by jury.
- 99-17-39 - Bills of exceptions; duty of judge to sign.
- 99-17-41 - Bills of exceptions; when tendered and signed; incapacity of judge.
- 99-17-43 - Bills of exceptions; attorneys may sign if judge refuses.
- 99-17-45 - Bills of exception; amendment.
- 99-17-47 - New trials; terms directed by court; number limited.
- 99-17-49 - New trials; grant or refusal assignable for error.