Chapter 31 - Intoxicating Beverage Offenses.
- 97-31-1 - and 97-31-3. Repealed.
- 97-31-5 - Alcoholic preparations; unlawful to sell or keep certain preparations; exceptions.
- 97-31-7 - Alcoholic preparations; permit to solicit or take orders.
- 97-31-9 - Alcoholic preparations; record of purchases required.
- 97-31-11 - Ginger preparations; extracts.
- 97-31-13 - Repealed.
- 97-31-15 - Delivery of alcohol or wine to person other than consignee; affidavit required; penalty for false affidavit.
- 97-31-17 - Denatured alcohol.
- 97-31-19 - Law officers may store confiscated liquors, stills, etc.; consumption of liquor prohibited.
- 97-31-21 - Manufacturing or distilling unlawful; making wine at home permitted; penalties.
- 97-31-23 - Manufacturing or distilling unlawful; possession of still.
- 97-31-25 - Patent medicines.
- 97-31-27 - Sale, possession, etc. of intoxicating beverages prohibited; penalties.
- 97-31-29 - Sale, possession, etc. of intoxicating beverages prohibited; agent or assistant of seller or buyer punished.
- 97-31-31 - Sale, possession, etc. of intoxicating beverages prohibited; connivance by owner, occupant, etc. of house or boat where liquor kept.
- 97-31-33 - Sale, possession, etc. of intoxicating beverages prohibited; exceptions; records to be kept by carrier; exceptions may be relied upon as defense.
- 97-31-35 - Sale, possession, or use of alcoholic beverages within facilities; employee knowledge; punishment for violations.
- 97-31-37 - Sale of alcohol by druggists; certain sales by retail and wholesale druggists permitted.
- 97-31-39 - Sale of alcohol by druggists; medicinal purposes; physician's certificate.
- 97-31-41 - Sale of alcohol by druggists; wine for sacramental purposes.
- 97-31-43 - Sale of alcohol by druggists; statement of sales or prescriptions to be filed with circuit clerk; filing fee.
- 97-31-45 - Sale of alcohol by druggists; penalties for certain violations.
- 97-31-47 - Transportation of intoxicating liquors into or within state unlawful.
- 97-31-49 - Solicitation of orders for liquors, etc. unlawful.
- 97-31-51 - Witnesses; immunity from prosecution granted; penalty for refusing to testify.
- 97-31-53 - Penalty for violations where punishment not specifically prescribed.