Chapter 21 - Forgery and Counterfeiting.
- 97-21-1 - Account books kept in public offices.
- 97-21-3 - Account books kept by corporations.
- 97-21-5 - Certain instruments deemed writings.
- 97-21-7 - Certificate of acknowledgment or proof of deeds and other recordable instruments.
- 97-21-9 - Certificate or public security, share in public stock or indorsement thereof.
- 97-21-11 - Coin operated machines; use or sale of slug or other device.
- 97-21-13 - Coins; gold and silver coins and treasury notes of United States.
- 97-21-15 - Coins; gold and silver coins of foreign countries.
- 97-21-17 - Coins; possession of counterfeit gold or silver coin with intention to utter.
- 97-21-19 - Corporate evidences of debt signed by pretended officer.
- 97-21-21 - Destruction, erasure, or obliteration of writing deemed forgery.
- 97-21-23 - Engraving or possessing plate for printing bank check, note or other evidence of debt; possessing impressions made from such plate.
- 97-21-25 - Engraving or possessing plate for printing bank check, note or other evidence of debt; when plate deemed imitation of genuine instrument.
- 97-21-27 - Intent to defraud.
- 97-21-29 - Making and uttering instrument in own name under pretense that it is act of another of same name.
- 97-21-31 - Parts of several genuine instruments connected to make one instrument.
- 97-21-33 - Penalty for forgery.
- 97-21-35 - Pleadings, process and other court papers, licenses, or written instruments generally.
- 97-21-37 - Possession of counterfeit bank notes or other instrument with intention to utter.
- 97-21-39 - Railroad tickets; definition.
- 97-21-41 - Railroad tickets; making or altering.
- 97-21-43 - Railroad tickets; possession of forged or altered tickets.
- 97-21-45 - Record of will or other instrument constituting evidence, judgment or decree of court, or return on process.
- 97-21-47 - Seal of state and other government and corporate seals or their impressions.
- 97-21-49 - Selling or offering to sell counterfeit notes or other evidence of debt, etc.
- 97-21-51 - Unauthorized use or signing of another's name to telegram, petition or related communication.
- 97-21-53 - Trade-marks; counterfeiting and forging of.
- 97-21-55 - Trade-marks; possession of dies, plates, printed label or any imitation for purpose of vending imitation goods.
- 97-21-57 - Trade-marks; sale of goods bearing counterfeit stamp or label.
- 97-21-59 - Uttering counterfeit instrument or coin.
- 97-21-61 - Warrants on state treasury, United States treasury, or county, city, town or village treasury.
- 97-21-63 - Will, deed, certificate of acknowledgment or proof of recordable instrument.