Chapter 17 - Salvage.
- 89-17-1 - Abandoned logs, boats, etc., salvaged.
- 89-17-3 - Replevin by owner; bond; lien for salvage.
- 89-17-5 - Prima facie abandonment.
- 89-17-7 - Jurisdiction limited.
- 89-17-9 - How claims for salvage service rendered shall be filed and prosecuted.
- 89-17-11 - Clerk to issue summons.
- 89-17-13 - How notice given where parties are nonresidents of state.
- 89-17-15 - Procedure on return of writ; defendant to plead to petition in case of contest.
- 89-17-17 - Sheriff to advertise property for sale; proceeds held for result of suit.
- 89-17-19 - Failure of defendant to appear at return term; funds condemned to satisfy judgment.
- 89-17-21 - Jurisdiction of justice courts; time for trial; notice to parties.
- 89-17-23 - Person claiming property admitted to defend.
- 89-17-25 - Penalty for converting derelict property to own use.
- 89-17-27 - Unlawful to purchase derelict property from finder thereof.