89-1-65 - Sheriff's conveyance.

§ 89-1-65. Sheriff's conveyance.

A conveyance of land sold by a sheriff under execution may be in the following form, and shall be sufficient to convey all of the title of the defendant in the execution, which any conveyance such officer might make would in such case convey; and a conveyance by a constable in like form, the proper changes being made, shall have the like effect in case of sale made by him, viz.: 
"By virtue of an execution issued by the clerk of the circuit court of ________ county, on the ________ day of ________, A.D. ________, returnable before said court on the ________ Monday of ________, A.D. ________, to enforce the judgment of said court, rendered on the ________ day of ________, A.D. ________, in favor of ________ against ________, for ________ dollars, and costs, I, as sheriff of ________ county, have this day, according to law, sold the following lands, to wit: [here describe the land]; when ________ became the best bidder therefor at the sum of ________ dollars, and he having paid said sum of money, I now convey said land to him.

    "Witness my hand, the ________, A. D. ________

                                                   ________________ Sheriff."

Sources: Codes, 1880, § 1241; 1892, § 2485; 1906, § 2822; Hemingway's 1917, § 2323; 1930, § 2133; 1942, § 854.